GFWC Citrus Heights Women’s Club

American Legion and Local Veterans


Veterans Appreciation Picnic was started so local citizens could show their appreciation for our veterans both active and retired. Music, food, raffle prizes and free services. No cost.

A Community for Peace–Domestic Violence Prevention Center


The goal of this Signature Project: Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention is to increase awareness and prevention of the widespread occurrence of domestic abuse in communities across the nation. We support ACFP in many ways from collecting pantry food and clothing to buying new toys for Christmas.

San Juan Juniorettes


The GFWC Bylaws state that Juniorette clubs are comprised of young people in middle, junior and high school. The differences in interests, abilities, and maturity between 6 th and 7 th graders and high school juniors or seniors can be significant. There are various ways to organize a Juniorette Club, just middle school-aged, just high school-aged, or both.

The sponsoring club is free to determine what type of club they wish to support.